
A list of my favourite video games (in no particular order)

These are not necessarily all video games that I love, that would be too long, instead these are games that I feel are notable in their execution relative to other similar games that I have played.


My absolute favourite in it's action combat and challenge. While some moments I feel are not terribly great (that fight with the two apes can go fuck itself) the final boss made the entire experince worth it for me.

Might and Magic World of Enroth

A bit of a weird one. Might and Magic 6, 7, and 8 were large parts of my childhood (despite my time just being me wandering around aimlessly) and I love to death the three games, their music, and their artstyles. Recently playing with the World of Enroth mod that combines the three games I have found the games to be very enjoyable.

Disco Elysium

A masterpiece of writing, Disco Elysium is disgusting and beautiful.

Divinity Original Sin

A really cool CRPG with really great mechanics. Love the elements in combat and how they interact giving the game a unique depth I've seen very little of ever since.

Silent Hill 2

Beautifully depressing, Silent Hill 2 made me weep at the end for it's expertly executed story about tragedy. Why the fuck is Bloober Team making the remake?

Lost in Vivo

My favourite horror game of all time, does a really good job instilling dread in the player without any of the cheap tricks many modern horror games go for.

Notable Mentions

Final Fantasy 14, Runescape, Dwarf Fortress